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Dr. ir. Bert Luyssaert (Postdoctoral Researcher)
This person worked in the group from 2000 till 2006.
Born in 1976. Happy childhood in the famous city of Lokeren.
Received the degree in physics from Ghent University in 1998 (including an "Erasmus" year in the Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal).
Received the degree in engineering from Ghent University in 2000 and a PhD in engineering in september 2005.Specific Research Topics
PatentsPublications (33)International Journals
B. Luyssaert, P. Bienstman, P. Vandersteegen, P. Dumon, R. Baets,
Efficient Nonadiabatic Planar Waveguide Tapers, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 23(8), p.2462-2468 doi:10.1109/jlt.2005.850795 (2005)
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P. Sanchis, J. Marti, B. Luyssaert, P. Dumon, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Analysis and design of efficient coupling in photonic crystal circuits, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 37(1-3), p.133-147 doi:10.1007/s11082-005-1131-6 (2005)
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B. Luyssaert, P. Vandersteegen, D. Taillaert, P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout, V. Wiaux, S. Beckx, R. Baets,
A Compact Horizontal Spot-Size Converter Realized in Silicon-on-Insulator, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 17(1), p.73-75 doi:10.1109/lpt.2004.838655 (2005)
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W. Bogaerts, R. Baets, P. Dumon, V. Wiaux, S. Beckx, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, J. Van Campenhout, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout,
Nanophotonic Waveguides in Silicon-on-Insulator Fabricated with CMOS Technology, Journal of Lightwave Technology (invited), 23(1), p.401-412 doi:10.1109/JLT.2004.834471 (2005)
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W. Bogaerts, P. Dumon, D. Taillaert, V. Wiaux, S. Beckx, B. Luyssaert, J. Van Campenhout, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
SOI Nanophotonic Waveguide Structures Fabricated with Deep UV Lithography , Photonics and Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Applications (invited), 2(2), p.81-86 doi:10.1016/j.photonics.2004.07.002 (2004)
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P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts, V. Wiaux, J. Wouters, S. Beckx, J. Van Campenhout, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
Low-loss SOI Photonic Wires and Ring Resonators Fabricated with Deep UV Lithography, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 16(5), p.1328-1330 doi:10.1109/lpt.2004.826025 (2004)
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P. Sanchis, P. Bienstman, B. Luyssaert, R. Baets, J. Marti,
Analysis of butt coupling in photonic crystals, JQE, 40(5), p.541-550 doi:10.1109/jqe.2004.826428 (2004)
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W. Bogaerts, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, P. Dumon, J. Van Campenhout, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, V. Wiaux, S. Beckx,
Basic structures for photonic integrated circuits in Silicon-on-insulator, Optics Express (invited), 12(8), p.1583-1591 doi:10.1364/OPEX.12.001583 (2004)
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W. Bogaerts, V. Wiaux, D. Taillaert, S. Beckx, B. Luyssaert, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Fabrication of Photonic Crystals in Silicon-on-Insulator Using 248-nm Deep UV Lithography, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 8(4), p.928-934 doi:10.1109/jstqe.2002.800845 (2002)
International Conferences
W. Bogaerts, P. Dumon, J. Wouters, P. Jaenen, S. Beckx, V. Wiaux, D. Van Thourhout, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, R. Baets,
Silicon-on-Insulator Nanophotonics, SPIE Optics and Optoelectronics (invited), 5956, Poland, p.5956R-1-15 (2005)
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R. Baets, P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts, G. Roelkens, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, G.R.A. Priem, G. Morthier, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout,
Silicon-on-insulator based Nano-photonics: Why, How, What for?, Group IV Photonics (invited), Belgium, p.168-170 (2005)
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D. Taillaert, R. Baets, P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts, D. Van Thourhout, B. Luyssaert, V. Wiaux, S. Beckx, J. Wouters,
Silicon-on-Insulator Platform for Integrated Wavelength-Selective Components, Workshop on Fibres and Optical Passive Components (invited), Italy, doi:10.1109/wfopc.2005.1462110 (2005)
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B. Luyssaert, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
A versatile spot-size converter design, Proceedings Symposium IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Belgium, p.99-102 (2004)
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R. Baets, P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts, D. Van Thourhout, B. Luyssaert, D. Taillaert, P. Bienstman, V. Wiaux, S. Beckx, J. Wouters,
Silicon-on-insulator platform for WDM-components, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting (proceedings available on CD-Rom) (invited), Puerto Rico, p.741-742 doi:10.1109/leos.2004.1363452 (2004)
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R. Baets, W. Bogaerts, P. Dumon, G. Roelkens, I. Christiaens, K. De Mesel, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, J. Van Campenhout, P. Bienstman, D. Van Thourhout, Wiaux, Vincent, Wouters, Johan, Beckx, Stefan,
Integration of photonic functions in and with Silicon, ESSDERC/ESSCIRC (invited), Belgium, (2004)
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B. Luyssaert, P. Vandersteegen, W. Bogaerts, P. Dumon, P. Sanchis, J. Marti, R. Baets,
A Versatile Optical Spot-Size Converter Design, European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2004, We(3), Sweden, p.468-469 (2004)
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P. Bienstman, W. Bogaerts, P. Dumon, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, R. Baets,
Nanophotonics based on high-index-contrast photonics devices, OECC/COIN (invited), Japan, p.14E4-1 (2004).
P. Sanchis, J. Marti, B. Luyssaert, P. Dumon, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Analysis and design of efficient coupling into photonic crystal circuits, OWTNM04, Belgium, p.27 (2004).
B. Luyssaert, P. Vandersteegen, W. Bogaerts, V. Wiaux, J. Wouters, S. Beckx, R. Baets,
Compact Photonic Spot-Size Converter, Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS-V), Japan, p.193 (2004).
P. Sanchis, J. Marti, P. Bienstman, B. Luyssaert, R. Baets,
Analytic expressions for transmission and reflection from semi-infinite photonic crystal waveguides, Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS-V), Tu-P31, Japan, (2004).
W. Bogaerts, P. Dumon, J. Van Campenhout, V. Wiaux, J. Wouters, S. Beckx, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
Deep UV Lithography for Planar Photonic Crystal Structures, LEOS 2003 (invited), 2, United States, p.754-755 doi:10.1109/leos.2003.1253020 (2003)
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W. Bogaerts, V. Wiaux, P. Dumon, D. Taillaert, J. Wouters, S. Beckx, J. Van Campenhout, B. Luyssaert, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
Large-scale production techniques for photonic nanostructures, Proc. SPIE (invited), 5225, United States, p.101-112 doi:10.1117/12.503665 (2003)
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R. Baets, P. Bienstman, W. Bogaerts, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert,
Coupling issues in strongly confined nanophotonic waveguides, 2003 Digest of the LEOS Summer Topical Meetings (invited), Canada, p.41-42 doi:10.1109/leosst.2003.1224266 (2003).
R. Baets, P. Bienstman, W. Bogaerts, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert,
Coupling issues in strongly confined nanophotonic waveguides, ICTON 2003 (invited), Poland, p.191-192 doi:10.1109/icton.2003.1264613 (2003)
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B. Luyssaert, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
2D simulations of various compact spot-size converters, 2002 IEEE/LEOS Benelux Annual Symposium, Netherlands, p.203-206 (2002).
B. Luyssaert, R. Baets,
2-D simulations of various compact spot-size converters, PECS-IV, United States, p.62 (2002).
R. Baets, W. Bogaerts, D. Delbeke, P. Bienstman, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert,
Photonic crystal and light extraction enhancement possibilities, 11th International Workshop on Inorganic and Organic Electroluminescence & 2002 International Conference on the Science and Technology of Emissive Displays and Lighting (EL 2002) (invited), Belgium, p. 559-563 (2002).
B. Luyssaert, R. Baets,
2D simulations of various compact spot-size converters, Workshop 2D photonic crystals, Switzerland, p.I-09 (2002).
B. Luyssaert, D. Taillaert, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Compact mode converters for PICs, 6th Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Belgium, p.205-208 (2001).
National Conferences
W. Bogaerts, P. Dumon, V. Wiaux, J. Wouters, S. Beckx, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, J. Van Campenhout, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
Nanophotonic waveguides in Silicon-on-Insulator Fabricated with CMOS Technology, 1st Flanders Engineering PhD Symposium, Belgium, p.63 (2003)
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W. Bogaerts, P. Dumon, V. Wiaux, J. Wouters, S. Beckx, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, J. Van Campenhout, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
Nanophotonic waveguides in Silicon-on-Insulator Fabricated with CMOS Technology, 4th UGent FTW PhD Symposium, Belgium, p.56 (2003)
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B. Luyssaert, P. Vandersteegen, R. Baets,
Compact Photonic Spot-Size Converters, FTW PhD symposium, Belgium, p.57 (2003)
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B. Luyssaert, R. Baets,
2-D simulations of various compact spot-size converters, LEOS benelux Photonic Crystal Workshop, Belgium, (2002).
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