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Journal Publications  of Laurens Bogaert

Most cited publications of Laurens Bogaert

38 Micro-transfer printing for heterogeneous Si photonic integrated circuits,
G. Roelkens, J. Zhang, L. Bogaert, M. Billet, D. Wang, B. Pan, C.J. Krückel, E. Soltanian, D. Maes, T. Vanackere, T. Vandekerckhove, S. Cuyvers, J. De Witte, I. Luntadila Lufungula, X. Guo, H. Li, S. Qin, G. Muliuk, S. Uvin, B. Haq, C. Op de Beeck, J. Goyvaerts, G. Lepage, P. Verheyen, J. Van Campenhout, G. Morthier, B. Kuyken, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (invited), 29(3), p.8200414 doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2022.3222686 (2022)
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20 Silicon Photonics Traveling Wave Photodiode with Integrated Star Coupler for High-Linearity mmWave Applications,
L. Bogaert, K. Van Gasse, T. Spuesens, G. Torfs, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens,
Optics Express, 26(26), p.34753-34765 doi:10.1364/oe.26.034763 (2018)
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17 36 Gb/s Narrowband Photoreceiver for mmWave Analog Radio-over-Fiber,
L. Bogaert, H. Li, K. Van Gasse, J. Van Kerrebrouck, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, G. Torfs,
Journal of Lightwave Technologies, 38(12), p.3289-3295 doi:10.1109/JLT.2020.2968149 (2020)
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16 A Novel Hybrid Integration Strategy for Compact, Broadband and Highly Efficient Millimeter-Wave On-Chip Antennas,
Q. Van den Brande, S. Lemey, S. Cuyvers, S. Poelman, L. De Brabander, O. Caytan, L. Bogaert, I. Lima De Paula, S. Verstuyft, A. C. F. Reniers, B. Smolders, B. Kuyken, D. Vande Ginste, H. Rogier,
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 18(11), p.2424-2428 doi:10.1109/LAWP.2019.2929428 (2019)
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13 Analog radio-over-fiber transceivers based on III-V-on-silicon photonics,
K. Van Gasse, L. Bogaert, L. Breyne, J. Van Kerrebrouck, S. Dhoore, C. Op de Beeck, A. Katumba, C.Y. Wu, H. Li, J. Verbist, A. Rahim, A. Abbasi, B. Moeneclaey, Z. Wang, H. Chen, J. Van Campenhout, X. Yin, B. Kuyken, G. Morthier, J. Bauwelinck, G. Torfs, G. Roelkens,
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (invited), 30(21), p.1818-1821 doi:10.1109/LPT.2018.2867930 (2018)
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13 SiPhotonics/GaAs 28-GHz Transceiver with Reflective EAM for Laser-Less mmWave-over-Fiber,
L. Bogaert, J. Van Kerrebrouck, H. Li, I. Lima de Paula, K. Van Gasse, C.-Y. Wu, P. Ossieur, S. Lemey, H. Rogier, P. Demeester, G. Roelkens, J. Bauwelinck, G. Torfs,
Journal of Lightwave Technologies (invited), 39(3), p.779-786 doi:10.1109/JLT.2020.3021175 (2021)
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All Publications of Laurens Bogaert

Most cited publications of Laurens Bogaert (since 2019)

38 Micro-transfer printing for heterogeneous Si photonic integrated circuits,
G. Roelkens, J. Zhang, L. Bogaert, M. Billet, D. Wang, B. Pan, C.J. Krückel, E. Soltanian, D. Maes, T. Vanackere, T. Vandekerckhove, S. Cuyvers, J. De Witte, I. Luntadila Lufungula, X. Guo, H. Li, S. Qin, G. Muliuk, S. Uvin, B. Haq, C. Op de Beeck, J. Goyvaerts, G. Lepage, P. Verheyen, J. Van Campenhout, G. Morthier, B. Kuyken, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets,
IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (invited), 29(3), p.8200414 doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2022.3222686 (2022)
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17 36 Gb/s Narrowband Photoreceiver for mmWave Analog Radio-over-Fiber,
L. Bogaert, H. Li, K. Van Gasse, J. Van Kerrebrouck, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, G. Torfs,
Journal of Lightwave Technologies, 38(12), p.3289-3295 doi:10.1109/JLT.2020.2968149 (2020)
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16 A Novel Hybrid Integration Strategy for Compact, Broadband and Highly Efficient Millimeter-Wave On-Chip Antennas,
Q. Van den Brande, S. Lemey, S. Cuyvers, S. Poelman, L. De Brabander, O. Caytan, L. Bogaert, I. Lima De Paula, S. Verstuyft, A. C. F. Reniers, B. Smolders, B. Kuyken, D. Vande Ginste, H. Rogier,
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 18(11), p.2424-2428 doi:10.1109/LAWP.2019.2929428 (2019)
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13 SiPhotonics/GaAs 28-GHz Transceiver with Reflective EAM for Laser-Less mmWave-over-Fiber,
L. Bogaert, J. Van Kerrebrouck, H. Li, I. Lima de Paula, K. Van Gasse, C.-Y. Wu, P. Ossieur, S. Lemey, H. Rogier, P. Demeester, G. Roelkens, J. Bauwelinck, G. Torfs,
Journal of Lightwave Technologies (invited), 39(3), p.779-786 doi:10.1109/JLT.2020.3021175 (2021)
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8 Heterogeneous integration of a High-Speed Lithium Niobate Modulator on Silicon Nitride using Micro-Transfer Printing,
T. Vanackere, T. Vandekerckhove, L. Bogaert, M. Billet, S. Poelman, S. Cuyvers, J. Van Kerrebrouck, A. Moerman, O. Caytan, N. Singh, S. Lemey, G. Torfs, P. Ossieur, G. Roelkens, S. Clemmen, B. Kuyken,
APL Photonics, 8, p.paper 086102 (7 pages) doi:10.1063/5.0150878 (2023)
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8 Air-Filled SIW Remote Antenna Unit with True Time Delay Optical Beamforming for mmWave-over-Fiber Systems,
I. Lima de Paula, L. Bogaert, O. Caytan, J. Van Kerrebrouck, A. Moerman, M. Muneeb, Q. Van den Brande, G. Torfs, J. Bauwelinck, H. Rogier, P. Demeester, G. Roelkens, S. Lemey,
Journal of Lightwave Technologies (invited), 40(20), p.6961-6975 doi:10.1109/JLT.2022.3187555 (2022)
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