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Authors: B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, B. Hu, P. Sewell, T. Benson
Title: Modeling comparison of second-harmonic generation
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 6/2008
Journal/Conference/Book: Optical and Quantum Electronics
Editor/Publisher: Springer, 
Volume(Issue): 40(1) p.13-22
DOI: 10.1007/s11082-008-9217-6
Citations: 7 ( - last update: 21/7/2024)
7 (OpenCitations - last update: 3/5/2024)
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In this paper we model second-harmonic generation in a microphotonic structure using two different numerical methods. The proposed two-dimensional waveguide device is challenging as it incorporates a high-contrast grating, which instigates strong local enhancement
but also radiation losses. The first simulation method extends the time-domain beam propagation method, whereas the second one builds upon frequency-domain eigenmode expansion. Good agreement between both tools is obtained for both the linear and nonlinear simulations.

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