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Dr. Jie Teng (Doctoral Researcher)
This person worked in the group from 2007 till 2010.
Specific Research Topics
Publications (9)International Journals
J. Teng, Yan, H., Li, L., M. Zhao, Zhang, H., G. Morthier,
Simple ultraviolet-based soft-lithography process for fabrication of low-loss polymer polysiloxanes-based waveguides, IET Optoelectronics, 5(6), p.265-269 doi:10.1049/iet-opt.2010.0110 (2011)
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J. Teng, P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts, H. Zhang, X. Jian, X. Han, M. Zhao, G. Morthier, R. Baets,
Athermal Silicon-on-insulator ring resonators by overlaying a polymer cladding on narrowed waveguides, Optics Express, 17(17), p.14627-14633 doi:10.1364/OE.17.014627 (2009)
International Conferences
L. Wang, X. Han, Y. Gu, H. Lv, J. Cheng, J. Teng, J. Ren, J. Wang, X. Jian, M. Zhao,
Optical biosensors utilizing polymer-based athermal microring resonators, SPIE Photonics Europe 2012, 8427, Belgium, p.842731-1~9 doi:10.1117/12.922209 (2012)
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J. Teng, H. Yan, L. Li, M. Zhao, H. Zhang, G. Morthier,
Fabrication of High-Q Polymer Microring Resonators for Bio-sensing Applications, MWP 2011, (2011).
J. Teng, P. Dumon, W. Bogaerts, H. Zhang, X. Jian, M. Zhao, G. Morthier, R. Baets,
Athermal SOI ring resonators by overlaying a polymer cladding on narrowed waveguides, 6th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, United States, p.ThB2 doi:10.1109/group4.2009.5338355 (2009)
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J. Teng, S. Scheerlinck, G. Morthier, R. Baets,
A PSQ-L polymer microring resonator fabricated by a simple UV-based soft-lithography process, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference ( CLEO Europe- EQEC 2009), Germany, doi:10.1109/cleoe-eqec.2009.5196462 (2009)
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J. Teng, S. Scheerlinck, G. Morthier, R. Baets,
Fabrication of all-polymer microring resonator by using a novel polymer PSQ-L, Proceedings Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, 2008, Netherlands, p.179-182 (2008)
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J. Teng,
Fabrication of polymer-based devices using nanoimprint technology, ePIXnetSpring School '08, Technology for Photonics Integration, Italy, p.44 -poster nr. 12 (2008)
National Conferences
J. Teng,
Athermal SOI ring resonators by overlaying a polymer cladding on narrowed waveguides, 10e Ugent-Firw Doctoraatssympoisum , Belgium, (2009)
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