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Dr. ir. Ronny Bockstaele (Postdoctoral Researcher)
This person worked in the group from 2011 till 2014.
Ronny Bockstaele received a degree in electrical engineering from the Universiteit Gent, in 1996. After this, he worked as a research engineer at the University of Ghent, department of Information Technology (INTEC), on RCLEDs and parallel optical interconnect systems, with a grant from the IWT. He received his PhD degree in 2001.
From May 2001, he combined two jobs: technical manager of the IO project, at the INTEC department, and opto-electronics consultant at Phocon, his photonics consultancy company.
From 2006 to 2011, he was part of the team that founded the spin-off company Trinean.
As from 2011, he re-joined the group and is in charge of the coordination of the IWT-SBO GlucoSens project.
He is member of the IEEE, SPIE and IMAPS.PatentsPublications (53)International Journals
E.M.P. Ryckeboer, R. Bockstaele, M. Vanslembrouck, R. Baets,
Glucose sensing by waveguide-based absorption spectroscopy on a silicon chip, Biomedical optics express, 5(5), p.1636–1648 doi:10.1364/boe.5.001636 (2014)
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B. Moeyersoon, G. Morthier, R. Bockstaele, R. Baets,
Improvement of the Wavelength Switching Behaviour of Semiconductor Tunable Lasers through Optical Feedback from a Periodic Reference Filter based on a Novel Prism-Based Implementation of a Fox-Smith Resonator, Photonics Technology Letters, 17(10), p.2032-2034 doi:10.1109/lpt.2005.856384 (2005)
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D. Delbeke, P. Bienstman, R. Bockstaele, R. Baets,
Rigorous electromagnetic analysis of dipole emission in periodically corrugated layers: the grating-assisted resonant-cavity light-emitting diode, Journal of the Optical Society of America A (JOSA A), 19(5), p.871-880 doi:10.1364/josaa.19.000871 (2002)
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D. Delbeke, R. Bockstaele, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, H. Benisty,
High-Efficiency Semiconductor Resonant-Cavity Light-Emitting Diodes: A Review, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 8(2), p.189-206 doi:10.1109/2944.999172 (2002)
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T. Coosemans, A. Van Hove, R. Bockstaele, K. Vandeputte, L. Vanwassenhove, B. Dhoedt, R. Baets, P. Van Daele, J. Van Koetsem,
MT (TM)-compatible connectorisation of VCSEL and RCLED arrays to plastic optical fibre ribbon for low cost parallel datalinks, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, p.475-480 doi:10.1016/S1369-8001(00)00090-1 (2000).
R. Bockstaele, J. Derluyn, C. Sys, S. Verstuyft, I. Moerman, P. Van Daele, R. Baets,
Realisation of highly efficient 850 nm top emitting resonant cavity light emitting diodes, Electronics Letters, 35(18), p.1564-1565 doi:10.1049/el:19991052 (1999).
R. Bockstaele, T. Coosemans, C. Sys, L. Vanwassenhove, A. Van Hove, B. Dhoedt, I. Moerman, P. Van Daele, R. Baets, R. Annen, H. Melchior, J. Hall, P.L. Heremans, M. Brunfaut, J. Van Campenhout,
Realization and characterization of 8 x 8 resonant cavity LED arrays mounted onto CMOS drivers for POF-based interchip interconnections, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 5(2), p.224-235 doi:10.1109/2944.778294 (1999)
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R. Bockstaele, A. Van Hove, T. Coosemans, C. Sys, I. Moerman, B. Dhoedt, R. Baets, P. Van Daele, J. Van Koetsem, L. Van der Torren,
Microcavity LED-based parallel data link using small-diameter (125 um) plastic optical fibres, Journal of Optics A - Pure and Applied Optics, Special Isuue on Optics in Computing, 1(2), p.233-236 doi:10.1088/1464-4258/1/2/022 (1999).
V. Baukens, G. Verschaffelt, P. Tuteleers, P. Vynck, H. Ottevaere, M. Kufner, S. Kufner, I. Veretennicoff, R. Bockstaele, A. Van Hove, B. Dhoedt, R. Baets, H. Thienpont,
Performances of optical multi-chip-module interconnects: comparing guided-wave and free-space pathways, Journal of Optics A - Pure and Applied Optics, Special Isuue on Optics in Computing, 1(2), p.255-261 doi:10.1088/1464-4258/1/2/027 (1999).
R. Bockstaele, C. Sys, J. Blondelle, B. Dhoedt, I. Moerman, P. Van Daele, P. Demeester, R. Baets,
Resonant cavity LED, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 11(2), p.158-160 doi:10.1109/68.740689 (1999)
. Book / Book Chapter
R. Baets, P. Bienstman, R. Bockstaele,
Basics of dipole emission from a planar cavity, Confined Photon Systems, France, p.38-79 doi:10.1007/bfb0104380 (1998).
International Conferences
R. Bockstaele, E.M.P. Ryckeboer, N. Hattasan, Y. De Koninck, M. Muneeb, S. Verstuyft, D. Delbeke, W. Bogaerts, G. Roelkens, R. Baets,
Glucose sensing by means of silicon photonics, Conference on Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits XVI (invited), 8989, United States, p.89890P doi:10.1117/12.2047366 (2014)
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E.M.P. Ryckeboer, R. Bockstaele, R. Baets,
Absorption spectroscopy of glucose based on a silicon photonics evanescent sensor, IEEE photonics conference 2013 (IPC), United States, p.paper TuA2.4 doi:10.1109/ipcon.2013.6656485 (2013)
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N. Le Thomas, A. Dhakal, F. Peyskens, A. Subramanian, T. Claes, K. De Vos, E.M.P. Ryckeboer, R. Bockstaele, P. Bienstman, R. Baets,
Biological sensing with integrated silicon and silicon nitride photonics, The 2nd BioPhotonics Conference (invited), Taiwan, p.28-29 (2013)
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O. Rits, M. De Wilde, G. Roelkens, R. Bockstaele, R. Annen, M. Bossard, F. Marion, R. Baets,
2D parallel optical interconnects between CMOS ICs, SPIE Photonics West, 6124, United States, p.168-179 doi:10.1117/12.652108 (2006)
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O. Rits, R. Bockstaele, R. Baets,
Packaging solution with a 3-dimensional coupling scheme for direct optical interconnects to the chip, IEEE Leos Benelux, Belgium, p.279-282 (2004)
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M. De Wilde, O. Rits, R. Bockstaele, R. Baets, J. Van Campenhout,
Design Methodology Development for VCSEL-based Guided-Wave Optical Interconnects, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects. IEEE. 2003. , p.137-138 (2003).
M. De Wilde, O. Rits, R. Bockstaele, J. Van Campenhout, R. Baets,
A circuit-level simulation approach to analyse system level behaviour of VCSEL-based optical interconnects, VCSELs and Optical Interconnects. Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 4942. 2003. , p.247-257 doi:10.1117/12.471929 (2003).
H. Lambrecht, R. Bockstaele, R. Baets,
Self-Written Waveguides in polymeric materials, IEEE LEOS Benelux, (2003).
R. Bockstaele, I. Popov, S. Eitel, M. Klemenc, R. Annen, J. Van Koetsem, G. Widawski, P. Straub, P. Le Moine, F. Marion, R. Baets,
A low-cost parallel optical interconnect system: the IO link, IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, (2003).
R. Baets, D. Delbeke, R. Bockstaele, P. Bienstman,
Resonant-cavity light-emitting diodes: a review, Proceedings of SPIE (invited), 4996, United States, p.74-86 doi:10.1117/12.476588 (2003)
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M. Brunfaut, W. Meeus, J. Dambre, R. Bockstaele, J. Van Campenhout, H. Melchior, J. Hall, A. Neyer, P. Heremans, J. Van Koetsem, R. King, H. Thienpont, L. Vanwassenhove, R. Baets,
Demonstrating POF based optoelectronic interconnect in a multi-FPGA prototype system, ECOC 01, Netherlands, p.298-299 doi:10.1109/ecoc.2001.989636 (2001).
L. Vanwassenhove, R. Bockstaele, R. Baets,
Demonstration of 2-D Plastic Optical Fibre based optical interconnect between CMOS IC, OFC2001, (WDD71), United States, p.1-3 doi:10.1364/ofc.2001.wdd74 (2001).
R. Bockstaele, R. Annen, D. Taillaert, B. Moeyersoon, M. Brunfaut, J. Van Campenhout, J. Hall, H. Melchior, R. Baets,
Design and realisation of high-speed transmitter arrays based on CMOS integrated drivers and resonant cavity LEDs, Conference Proceedings of LEOS, Costa Rica, p.173-174 doi:10.1109/leos.2000.890731 (2000).
L. Vanwassenhove, R. Bockstaele, R. Baets, M. Brunfaut, W. Meeus, J. Van Campenhout, J. Hall, H. Melchior, A. Neyer, J. Van Koetsem, K. Ebeling, P. Heremans,
A system demonstrator using 2D fibre-based optical interconnect between CMOS IC, Proceedigns Symposium IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter,2000, Netherlands, p.55-58 (2000).
R. Bockstaele, M. Brunfaut, J. Depreitere, W. Meeus, J. Van Campenhout, H. Melchior, R. Annen, P. Zenklusen, L. Vanwassenhove, J. Hall, A. Neyer, B. Wittmann, P. Heremans,
Latency study of an optical area I/O enhamced FPGA with 256 optical CMOS IC, 2000 Digest of the LEOS Summer Topical Meetings, United States, p.27-28 (2000).
R. Bockstaele, R. Baets,
Simulation of interchip interconnections based on resonant cavity LEDs, plastic optical fibres and CMOS interface circuits, 2000 Digest of the LEOS Summer Topical Meetings2000 Digest of the LEOS Summer Topical meetings, United States, p.39-40 doi:10.1109/leosst.2000.869689 (2000).
T. Coosemans, R. Bockstaele, A. Van Hove, K. Naessens, J. Derluyn, L. Vanwassenhove, P. Van Daele, I. Moerman, R. Baets,
Substrate removed 850nm RCLED's and small core (63/125mm) plastic optical fibers for optical data communication, Proceedings of SPIE Light-Emitting Diodes: Research, Manufacturing and Applications IV, 3938, United States, p.160-168 doi:10.1117/12.382827 (2000).
D. Delbeke, K. Vandeputte, R. Baets, R. Bockstaele, B. Dhoedt, I. Moerman, P. Van Daele, S. Verstuyft,
Holographically defined grating assisted Micro-cavity light emitting diodes, Proceedings Symposium IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, 1999, Belgium, p.159-162 (1999).
M. Brunfaut, J. Depreitere, W. Meeus, J. Van Campenhout, H. Melchior, R. Annen, P. Zenklusen, R. Bockstaele, L. Vanwassenhove, J. Hall, A. Neyer, B. Wittman, P. Heremans, J. Van Koetsem, R. King, H. Thienpont, R. Baets,
A multi-FPGA demonstrator with POF-based optical area interconnect, Conference Proceedings of LEOS, 2, United States, p.625-626 doi:10.1109/leos.1999.811883 (1999).
R. Bockstaele, B. Moeyersoon, D. Taillaert, R. Baets,
High-speed model of high efficiency RCLEDs operating up to 1 Gb/s, Conference Proceedings of LEOS, 2, United States, p.637-638 doi:10.1109/leos.1999.811889 (1999).
F. Berghmans, S. Coenen, B. Brichard, F. Vos, M.C. Decréton, G. Verschaffelt, A. de la Fuente, I. Veretennicoff, H. Thienpont, R. Bockstaele, P. Bienstman, C. Sys, B. Dhoedt, I. Moerman, R. Baets, P. Van Daele, J. Jönsson,
Prelimimary results on high total dose testing of semiconductor photonic sources: a comparison of VCSELs and resonant cavity LEDs, SPIE Conference on Photonics for Space Environments VI, 3440, United States, p.47-56 doi:10.1117/12.326698 (1999)
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D. Delbeke, R. Baets, B. Dhoedt, R. Bockstaele, I. Moerman, P. Van Daele,
Electrically pumped photonic crystal micro-cavity light emitting diodes, 1999 Digest of the LEOS Summer Topical Meetings, United States, p.71-72 doi:10.1109/leosst.1999.794719 (1999).
T. Coosemans, A. Van Hove, R. Bockstaele, J. Derluyn, I. Moerman, R. Baets, P. Van Daele,
Optical data communication using substrate removed 850 nm RCLEDS and small core (63/125 mm) plastic optical fibres, Proceedings of the 8th International POF Conference, p.246 (1999).
A. Van Hove, T. Coosemans, R. Bockstaele, K. Vandeputte, L. Vanwassenhove, B. Dhoedt, R. Baets, P. Van Daele, J. Van Koetsem, L. Van den Torren,
Direct MT(TM)-compatible connectorisation of VCSEL and LED-arrays to plastic optical fiber ribbon for low cost parallel datalinks, 49th Electronic Components & Technology Conference 1999, United States, p.1096-1102 doi:10.1109/ectc.1999.776326 (1999).
P. Bienstman, W. Bogaerts, R. Bockstaele, D. Delbeke, S. Goeman, B. Depreter, J. Derluyn, C. Sys, L. Vanwassenhove, B. Dhoedt, I. Moerman, P. Van Daele, R. Baets,
Microcavity and PBG-related activities at the University of Gent, COST 268 Wavelenght Scale Photonic Components for Telecommunications (Workshop), Sweden, (1999).
R. Bockstaele, T. Coosemans, C. Sys, L. Vanwassenhove, A. Van Hove, B. Dhoedt, I. Moerman, P. Van Daele, R. Baets,
Realisation of highly efficient and high-speed resonant cavity LED for coupling to plastic optical fibres, SPIE conference on Light-emitting Diodes : Research, Manufactering and Applications III, 3621, United States, p.221-229 doi:10.1117/12.344481 (1999).
B. Dhoedt, R. Baets, I. Moerman, P. Van Daele, P. Demeester, T. Coosemans, A. Van Hove, R. Bockstaele, C. Sys, L. Vanwassenhove,
Microcavity LEDs coupled to POF arrays for parallel optical interconnects, Conference Proceedings of LEOS (invited), 2, United States, p.331-332 doi:10.1109/leos.1998.739635 (1998).
V. Baukens, A. Goulet, U. Mezquiriz Navarro, I. Veretennicoff, W.R. Cox, C. Guan, R. Bockstaele, R. Baets, H. Thienpont,
Enhancing the transmission efficiency of parallel optical interconnection systems using drop-on-demand microlenses, Proc. of the Third Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Belgium, p.73-76 (1998).
R. Bockstaele, C. Sys, S. Verstuyft, L. Vanwassenhove, B. Dhoedt, I. Moerman, P. Van Daele, R. Baets,
Flip chip mounted substrate-removed 850nm bottom-emitting 8x8 MCLED arrays with selectively oxidised current windows, Proc. of the Third Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Belgium, p.97-100 (1998).
R. Bockstaele, B. Depreter, J. Blondelle, B. Dhoedt, I. Moerman, P. Demeester, P. Van Daele, R. Baets,
High efficiency microcavity LEDs, CLEO/Europe (invited), CWA(1), United Kingdom, p.141 doi:10.1109/cleoe.1998.719128 (1998).
V. Baukens, G. Verschaffelt, P. Tuteleers, P. Vynck, H. Ottevaere, M. Kufner, S. Kufner, I. Veretennicoff, R. Bockstaele, B. Dhoedt, R. Baets, H. Thienpont,
Performance simulations of optical multi-chip-module interconnects: comparing guided-wave and free-space pathways, Optics in Computing OC, 3490, Belgium, p.412-415 doi:10.1117/12.308978 (1998).
R. Bockstaele, A. Van Hove, T. Coosemans, C. Sys, I. Moerman, B. Dhoedt, R. Baets, P. Van Daele, J. Van Koetsem, L. Van der Torren,
Microcavity LED based parallel data link using small diameter (125 mm) plastic optical fibres, Optics in Computing OC, 3490, Belgium, p.293-296 (1998).
A. Van Hove, R. Bockstaele, T. Coosemans, B. Dhoedt, R. Baets, P. Van Daele,
Termination and coupling experiments for a 1x12 small diameter (125mm) Plastic Optical Fiber array and POF coupling to microcavity LEDs, Proc. of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux-Chapter 1997, Netherlands, p.113-116 (1997).
R. Bockstaele, C. Sys, J. Blondelle, H. De Neve, F. Goussaert, B. Dhoedt, I. Moerman, P. Van Daele, R. Baets,
Microcavity LEDs for optical interconnects, Mini-Symposium on Devices & Systems for Optical Interconnects & Data Links (The Rank Prize Funds), United Kingdom, (1997).
R. Bockstaele, C. Sys, J. Blondelle, H. De Neve, F. Goussaert, B. Dhoedt, I. Moerman, P. Van Daele, R. Baets,
Microcavity LEDs with an overall efficiency of 4% into a numerical aperture of 0.5, Proceedings of the LEOS Summer Topical Meetings, Canada, p.69-70 doi:10.1109/leosst.1997.619109 (1997).
National Journals
R. Baets, P. Bienstman, R. Bockstaele, W. Bogaerts, D. Delbeke, G. Morthier, D. Van Thourhout,
Fotonica: Kleine chips voor grote toepassingen, Het Ingenieursblad, 78(2), p.16-22 (2009)
. National Conferences
R. Bockstaele,
Interconnect by Optics, Project overview & Work on Plastic Optical Fibre, POFAC Fachgruppentreffen (invited), Germany, (2004).
R. Bockstaele, et al.,
A low-cost parallel optical interconnect system: the IO link, RMA workshop on POF, (2003).
R. Bockstaele,
High-density CMOS-compatible interchip interconnections based on resonant cavity LED, 1ste doctoraatssymposium FTW, Belgium, (2000).
V. Baukens, A. Goulet, U. Mezquiriz Navarro, I. Veretennicoff, W.R. Cox, C. Guan, R. Bockstaele, R. Baets, H. Thienpont,
Enhancing the transmission efficiency of parallel optical interconnection systems using drop-on-demand microlenses, URSI Forum , Belgium, p.33 (1998).
R. Bockstaele,
Flip chip mounted substrate-removed 850nm bottom-emitting 8x8 MCLED arrays with selectively oxidised current windows, URSI Forum , Belgium, p. 9-12 (1998).
A. Van Hove, R. Bockstaele, T. Coosemans, B. Dhoedt, R. Baets, P. Van Daele,
Termination and coupling experiments for a 1x12 small diameter (125µm) Plastic Optical Fiber array and POF coupling to microcavity LEDs, URSI Forum , Belgium, p.22-25 (1997).
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