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Authors: L. Wang, X.Han, Y.Gu, Y.Wang, P.Zou, J.Wang, X.Jian, G. Morthier, M. Zhao
Title: A tunable polymer waveguide ring filter fabricated with UV-based soft imprint technique
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 7/2013
Journal/Conference/Book: Optics Communications
Volume(Issue): 298 p.95-100
DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2013.02.021
Citations: 7 ( - last update: 9/2/2025)
7 (OpenCitations - last update: 27/6/2025)
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Photonic integrated components with tunability, low power consumption and low fabrication cost are of considerable interest for optical communications and optical signal processing systems. Based on the high thermo-optic coefficient of polymer material, we demonstrate a tunable integrated waveguide ring filter with a novel but very simple UV-based soft imprint technique. By properly incorporating a Mach–Zencher interferometer (MZI), the tunability of the ring filter's coupling states and resonant wavelength are realized flexibly by the micro-heaters. The tuning efficiency of resonant wavelength is 8.2 pm/mW within one free spectrum range of the ring filter.

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