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Authors: R. Baets
Title: Silicon photonics: heterogeneous integration and chiplet printing
Format: International Conference Presentation
Publication date: 9/2020
Journal/Conference/Book: PHOTON 2020 (invited)
Editor/Publisher: IOP - Institute of Physics, 
Location: Nottingham, United Kingdom
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar


Silicon photonics is emerging as a generic photonic integration platform technology and it serves a broad variety of applications, from telecom and datacom to sensing and medical. In many of those applications there is a need to enrich the basic silicon (or silicon nitride) waveguide platform with functions based on overlay add-on materials, for improved performance or squarely new functionalities. The list of such new materials is long and so is the list of technologies to bring them on top of silicon. This heterogeneous integration trend is somewhat in conflict with the need for standardization as needed to drive maturity up and cost down. Therefore a key question is how to build supply chains that combine the rich functionality of new materials for silicon photonics with manufacturing platforms with critical mass. This presentation will discuss the challenge and propose possible solutions. Special focus will be on a solution based on micro-transfer-printing. This technology allows to transfer thin chiplets from one material system (eg InP) onto a silicon wafer. It is an agile technology for many materials and functions and is scalable to volume manufacturing. The state of the art of this technology will be discussed.

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