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Authors: S. Clemmen, A. Hermans, E. Solano, J. Dendooven, K. Koskinen, M. Kauranen, E. Brainis, C. Detavernier, R. Baets
Title: Atomic layer deposited second order nonlinear optical metamaterial for back-end integration with CMOS-compatible nanophotonic circuitry
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 11/2015
Journal/Conference/Book: Optics Letters
Editor/Publisher: OSA, 
Volume(Issue): 40(22) p.5371
DOI: 10.1364/ol.40.005371
Citations: 28 ( - last update: 9/2/2025)
27 (OpenCitations - last update: 27/6/2025)
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We report the fabrication of artificial unidimensional crystals exhibiting an effective bulk second-order nonlinearity. The crystals are created by cycling atomic layer deposition of three dielectric materials such that the resulting metamaterial is non-centrosymmetric in the direction of the deposition. Characterization of the structures by second-harmonic generation Maker-fringe measurements shows that the main component of their nonlinear susceptibility tensor is about 5 pm/V which is comparable to well-established materials and more than an order of magnitude greater than reported for a similar crystal [L. Alloatti et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 121903 (2015)]. Our demonstration opens new possibilities for second-order nonlinear effects on CMOS-compatible nanophotonic platforms.

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