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Authors: S.P. Bhat, G. Roelkens, J.J.G.M. van der Tol, M.K. Smit
Title: Design of InP membrane laser in a photonic integrated circuit
Format: International Conference Proceedings
Publication date: 11/2012
Journal/Conference/Book: Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Belenux Chapter
Volume(Issue): p.203-206
Location: Mons, Belgium
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar
Download: Download this Publication (515KB) (515KB)


Abstract: On-chip lasers are a necessity for realizing the full potential of high index contrast photonie integrated circuits. Thefeasibility of this has been investigated before by simulating the optical and thermal properties. In this paper, two possible configurations for such a laser are reported. As the active and the passive layers are
vertically separated, optical simulations on tapers for coupling between the two have been performed. To couple out the light, gratings for 1.55 f.1m have been designed. All these results have been put logether in designing a Fabry-Perot type laser and two types of ring laser, differing in the MMI coupler that they have in the ring - 1x2 or 2x2. Realization of these lasers is underway.

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