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Authors: R. Baets
Title: Silicon photonics: light emission and amplification
Format: International Conference Proceedings
Publication date: 9/2011
Journal/Conference/Book: Photonics Ireland Conference (invited)
Volume(Issue): p.8.1
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar
Download: Download this Publication (198KB) (198KB)


In this presentation research on light emission and amplification in the context of a silicon photonics platform
will be discussed. Two distinct approaches will be covered. The first is the "hybrid silicon laser". It relies on the
bonding of thin InP-InGaAsP epi-Iayers on patterned silicon photonics wafers and subsequent processing into
electrically driven microlasers. A range of different hybrid lasers for different applications will be discussed.
The second approach is based on four-wave-mixing in silicon and allows to generate new optical frequencies on
the basis of optical pumping. Progress in this area both at telecom and longer wavelengths will be discussed,
both for crystalline and amorphous silicon-on-insulator.

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