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Optical label-free biosensors based on photonic crystals

Main Researcher: Elewout Hallynck

There are several approaches to achieving an optical label-free biosensor (e.g. ring resonators, surface plasmon resonance) and one of those is the use of photonic crystals. Their potential for biosensing applications will be extensively investigated.
Also, a novel technique for microfluidics in combination with these photonic crystals is being looked into.

Other people involved:

PhD thesises


    International Journals

  1. E. Hallynck, P. Bienstman, Photonic crystal biosensor based on angular spectrum analysis, Optics Express, 18(17), p.18164-18170 doi:10.1364/OE.18.018164 (2010)  Download this Publication (841KB).
      International Conferences

    1. E. Hallynck, P. Bienstman, Photonic Crystal biosensor in spatial Fourier domain, IPC 2011, United States, p.328-329 doi:10.1109/pho.2011.6110560 (2011)  Download this Publication (486KB).
    2. E. Hallynck, P. Bienstman, Photonic crystal biosensor based on angular spectrum analysis, Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photononics Benelux Chapter, Netherlands, p.161-164 (2010)  Download this Publication (192KB).
        National Conferences

      1. E. Hallynck, P. Bienstman, Photonic biosensor in the angular spectrum, 11e UGent - Firw Doctoraatssymposium, Belgium, p.128 (2010)  Download this Publication (310KB).

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