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Vacancies in the Photonics Research Group

Spontaneous applications:


For spontaneous applications, potential PhD candidates must have identified external funding agencies/programs to which they will apply.

We can recommend the following external funding programs for PhD-candidates/exchange PhD:

  • EMA 2 Partnership Grants

Potential candidates can apply for a scholarship (for full PhD and/or exchange period) through one of these partnership projects.
EMA2 Project name (+ Targeted countries)

  • Lotus Unlimited (China/Vietnam/Cambodia/Myanmar/Indonesia/Thailand)
  • Basileus IV (Albania/Bosnia-Herzegovina/Montenegro/FYR Macedonia/Kosovo/Serbia)
  • Svagata (India)
  • Namaste (India)
  • WEBB (Georgia/Azerbaijan/Armenia/Ukraine/Moldavia/Belarus)
  • EUROEAST (Georgia/Azerbaijan/Armenia/Ukraine/Moldavia/Belarus)
  • TECHNO II (Cambodia/Mongolia/Vietnam/Laos/Indonesia/Malaysia/Thailand/China
  • BABEL (Bolivia/Peru/Ecuador/Paraguay/Brazil/Uruguay)
  • MUNDUS LINDO (Bolivia/Peru/Ecuador/Paraguay/Brazil/Chile/Cuba)
  • PEACE (Honduras/El Salvador/Guatemala/Nicaragua/Argentina/Chile/Costa Rica/Panama/Uruguay)
  • EU-SATURN (South Africa)


    Please take into account that:

    - the Photonics Research Group (UGent-imec) has no involvement in the selection or decision process of these external funding agencies/programs

    - most external funding programs will require a separate application procedure. Potential candidates must apply for both (external funding program AND Photonics Research Group).

    - if a statement from the Photonics Research Group (UGent-imec) or one of its professors is needed, either contact the professor directly (with Mr. Bert Coryn ( in cc) or contact Mr. Bert Coryn directly.


    Once you have identified external funding agencies/programs, submit your application to the Photonics Research Group here.